Support: Catherine/Seteth

C Name En JP Alternate translation Seteth There was an excursion—a monster hunt. You charged ahead and left your fellow students behind. その節の課題は、魔物討伐だった。貴女は他の生徒を置き去りにして突出し…… The mission that moon was to eradicate monsters. You left the other students behind and charged ahead… Name En JP Alternate translation Catherine (pre-TS) Maybe if I get wounded badly enough, I’ll…

Events: SS Chapter 20

To Shambhala name en jp alternate translation Seteth The Empire has been defeated, and we have rescued Rhea. But still, the flames of war burn on. 帝国は打倒し、レアは無事救出された。だが、戦争の火種は消えていない。 We’ve defeated the Empire, and rescued Rhea. But the kindling of war hasn’t been extinguished.  Seteth We journey to Shambhala, where those who slither in the dark reside….

Support: Cyril/Seteth

C Name En JP Alternate translation Seteth I appreciate you making the effort. Is there anything I can assist you with? Do you have any concerns? 君がいてくれて、本当に助かっている。もし待遇について不満があれば善処するが? It truly helps to have you around. If you have any problems with your treatment here, [I] can take measures [to help]?  Cyril Concerns? Nah, I’m happy just…

Paralogue: Byleth (post-TS)

Eternal Guardian: Before Battle Name EN JP Alternate translation Rhea I asked you to take care of things should something happen, but I wished to make myself useful as well. 私に何かあれば後事を託すと言いましたが、少しでもその役に立てばと思い…… I said that I would leave matters to you if something happened to me, so hoping it would be of some use… Rhea I…

Battle: SS Chapter 21

The Final Battle EN JP Alternate translation Mission description […] Not long for this world, Rhea wishes to discuss Fódlan’s future with you. But all is not well… […] 死の淵にあるレアは、後を託すべく新生軍の指導者を呼び出す。そして…… […] On the verge of death, Rhea summons the commander of the reborn army1 in order to entrust you with the future. And then… 1…

Battle: AM/SS/VW Chapter 14

Protecting Garreg Mach VW/SS only Name En JP Alternate translation Randolph They didn’t have enough soldiers with just the church, so they upped their numbers by joining with those filthy rogues. セイロス騎士団だけでは兵が足りず、ゴロツキどもを加えて数を揃えたんだろう。 They must have added rogues to their numbers since there weren’t enough Knights of Seiros. Randolph It doesn’t matter what flag they fly….

Battle: AM/SS/VW Chapter 13

Hunting by Daybreak Name En JP Alternate translation Pallardo It isn’t looking good for us. Should we retreat? 身代わりを用意していて助かりましたねえ。分が悪いようですし、退散しますか。 Good thing I prepared a body double. The odds don’t look good for us, so we might as well retreat. Fake Pallardo defeated Name En JP Alternate translation Pallardo Ah, you should yield me a tidy…

Battle: CF Chapter 15

Protecting Garreg Mach Name EN JP Alternate translation Alois Now! Light it up! Like the goddess’s fiery wrath, these flames will engulf our enemies. 今だ! 火をかけよ!主の怒りよ、炎となりて敵を燃やし尽くせ! Now! Light the fire! Wrath of the goddess, turn to flame and incinerate our foes! 12th phase Name EN JP Alternate translation Alois I can’t protect you like I promised….

Support: Felix/Seteth

C Name En JP Alternate translation Seteth Is that why you train alone? Because your friends do not share your values? だから皆と馴れ合う気にもならず、こうして単身、鍛錬している、と? So that’s why you have no interest in becoming friends with anyone, and train alone? Felix You seem displeased. 何かご不満でも。 Do you have a problem with that? Felix I suppose you’re going to…

Paralogue: Flayn & Seteth

An Ocean View: Before Battle Name EN JP Alternate translation Seteth You will do no such thing. I am not going there to pay respects at the cemetery, but to do battle. 私は何も墓参りに行くのではない。教団の任務として、戦いに行くのだ。 I’m not just going to visit a grave. I’m going to go fight, for a Church mission. Seteth With you there, I…