Support: Catherine/Shamir


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Catherine…And he said, “I don’t even have a horse!” Pretty funny story, huh?……ってなわけよ。まったく傑作な話だろ?あっはっはっはっは。…And that’s what happened. Amazing story, isn’t it? Hahaha.
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CatherineSo then, laugh! You could stand to be a little friendlier, you know.だったら、もっと笑ってくれよ。アンタは昔っから愛想がなさすぎだ。Then you might as well laugh more. You’ve never been one for friendliness.
ShamirDo I need to be?不要だからな。Since it’s not necessary.
CatherineWhat do you mean, “need to be”? Friendship isn’t about obligation. You could try being a bit warmer.そういうとこだって。愛想に要も不要もあるかよ。That’s what I’m talking about. What do you mean, it’s not necessary.
CatherineLike when I first met you. I took the time to introduce myself and make friendly conversation…初めて会った時もそうだ。こっちは気張って名乗ったってのに……The first time we met, too. I introduced myself so enthusiastically, but then…
CatherineAnd you just said, “Hi, I’m Shamir.”アンタは、これだけ。『シャミアだ、よろしく』……ってな!All you said was, “Shamir. Nice to meet you.” 
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ShamirI did. You’re surprisingly strong.ああ。正直、驚いた。なるほど、こいつは強いと思ったな。That’s right. I was surprised. Oh, so she’s strong, I thought.
CatherineWell, even though you had zero charm, you did a nice job of supporting me.アタシもだ。コイツ、愛想はねえくせに完璧に援護しやがんなって思ったよ。Same here. I thought, how dare she be so good at support despite being so standoffish.
CatherineNow I know that you’ll always have my back. In fact, maybe I should take it easy and let you handle all the fighting.で、それからだよな。アタシはすっかりアンタに背中を任せるようになったんだ。And since then, I have total trust in you to have my back.
ShamirIt sounds like I’m going to be doing a lot more work around here.私は振り回されることが増えた。And I’m getting pushed around more and more.
CatherineWe make a pretty good team.あっはっはっはっは。そう言うなって、アタシら相棒だろ?Hahaha. Don’t be like that, we’re partners, right? 
CatherineAt any rate, we’re bound together, so we better try to get along! Don’t you think, partner?一蓮托生ってやつだ。これからもよろしく頼むよ、相棒!We’re basically bound by fate. I’ll keep counting on you, partner! 
ShamirIf that’s how you see it, I can’t disagree.チッ……その勝手な言い草さえなければ、相棒でもいいんだが。Tch… I wouldn’t mind being partners if it weren’t for your self-centered way of putting things.


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ShamirYou must really love worshiping the church. Or is it just Rhea?はあ……お前は相変わらず教団が大好きだな。いや、好きなのはレアさんか。*sigh* …You adore the Church as much as ever. Oh, I suppose what you like is Rhea [-san]1
CatherineLady Rhea.レア様、だ。Lady Rhea [-sama]1.
CatherineYou’re the only one in the knights who doesn’t address her with the proper respect.……アンタだけだぞ。騎士団でレア様を「さん」付けにする奴は。…You’re the only one, you know. The only knight who refers to Lady Rhea like that.
CatherineIt’s not just that I worship Lady Rhea. I respect her, admire her, revere her…好きっつーか、敬愛してるんだ。畏敬、尊敬、憧憬……ま、何でもいいよ。It’s not so much that I like her, so much it is that I admire her. Revere, respect, adore… Whatever you wanna call it.
ShamirI don’t get the Seiros religion. Or Rhea.私には、セイロス教の考えはよくわからん。レアさんの素晴らしさとやらもな。I don’t really get the teachings of Seiros. Or what’s so great about Rhea.
1 Shamir uses the –san honorific which is akin to Mr/Miss/Mrs, whereas Catherine uses the –sama honorific which is much more polite/deferential
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CatherineI don’t plan on getting killed. And it’s not that I’m wearing blinders—I’m just focused.死ぬつもりはないさ。ちょっと周りが見えなくなるくらい何だ。I don’t plan on dying. So what if I get a little fixated?
CatherineI’ve devoted my heart to Lady Rhea. She’s the reason I wield my sword.この心は、とうにレア様に捧げている。それがアタシの剣を振る理由なんだから。I devoted this heart to Lady Rhea ages ago. That’s the reason I wield my sword.
ShamirAs long as you don’t get killed or cause me any trouble, I don’t really care.ま、今のところ死んではいないし、私に迷惑をかけないなら構わんが……。Well, I guess you haven’t died yet, so I don’t mind as long as it doesn’t cause me any issues…
CatherineSo my death would “cause you trouble”?アタシが迷惑かけてるって言うのか?You saying I’m causing you issues?
ShamirThat’s not what I meant.そう聞こえたか?That’s what you heard me say?


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CatherineYou don’t know what I was going to say!アタシが何を言おうとしてるか、わかんのか、シャミア?You know what I’m trying to say, Shamir?
ShamirSomething about our vastly different approaches to life.互いの、生き方の話だ。Something about our ways of living.
CatherineFine, then. We don’t need to talk about it.ほんとに無愛想な奴だな。けど、そうだな。まあ、しなくてもいいか。Seriously, you’re so cold. But you’re right. Eh, I guess we don’t have to [talk]. 
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CatherineOK. Let’s talk about it. I will be faithful to Lady Rhea until I die.ああ、やっぱり話しとこう。アタシは、きっと死ぬまでレア様中心だ。Yeah, we should just talk. I’m most likely going to center my life around Lady Rhea until I die. 
CatherineIf I had to choose between you and her, I would choose her every time.アンタとレア様、どっちかしか助けに行けないとなったら、必ずレア様を選ぶ。If I could only save you or Lady Rhea, I would definitely choose Lady Rhea.
CatherineI assume that disqualifies me from being your partner.そんなアタシは、相棒失格か?Does that make me a failure as a partner?
ShamirBetween you and Rhea, I’d choose you.私は、お前とレアさんならお前を助けに行くかもしれんな。Between you and Rhea, I might go save you. 
ShamirBut between you and me, I’d choose me.だが自分とお前なら、必ず自分を助ける。薄情と言われても仕方ない。But between you and me, I would definitely save myself. I know it’s cold-hearted.
ShamirThat probably disqualifies me from being your partner too.で、それは相棒失格か?So does that make me a failure as a partner? 
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CatherineMaybe I shouldn’t be thinking like that.そんな想像をいくらしても、無駄かもなと思っただけだよ。I guess there’s no point thinking about it so much.
ShamirThe future is one of the great mysteries of life.ああ。何が起こるかわからないのが人生だ。I agree. You never know what’ll happen in life.


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ShamirThe terrible “Thunder Catherine,” afraid? 怖い? ……怖いものなしのお前が?Scared? …You? The one who isn’t afraid of anything?
ShamirI thought you weren’t afraid of anything.泣く子も黙って裸で逃げ出す“雷霆のカトリーヌ”様が?The great ”Thunder Catherine,” who’s [so terrifying that] even a crying child would shut up and run away still naked?
CatherineI kinda thought so too.何だよ、裸で逃げ出すって……。はあ……けど、まあ、そうなんだ。What do you mean, run away naked… *sigh* …But, you’re right. 
CatherineI realized that I might actually lose you someday. And that’s…scarier than I expected.アンタを失うって想像が、急に現実感を帯びちまって……こうも怖いとはね。The thought of losing you suddenly became so real… I didn’t realize how scary it’d be.
CatherineI’ve never felt this way about anyone other than Lady Rhea.まさかレア様以外に、アタシがこんな感情を抱くなんてなあ……。I never thought I’d feel this way about anyone other than Lady Rhea…
ShamirYou seem very passionate about this.……やれやれ。熱烈な告白だ。…Good grief. What a passionate confession.
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ShamirWhich is why I can make no guarantees that this will last forever.だから、「お前がずっと相棒だ」などとは口が裂けても言えん。So there’s no way I can say something like, “you’ll always be my partner.”
ShamirBut I want you to know there’s no one I would rather have at my side.だが、今の私にとって、お前は無二の相棒だ。But for me right now, you’re the best partner I could have.
ShamirI could never sever my bond with you.もし道を違えようと、私とお前の繋がりは切れない。Even if our paths diverge, the connection between us won’t be severed.
ShamirIf there ever comes a day when our paths do diverge, know that I’ll always be with you.背中を合わせられない日が来ても、心は常に共にある。以上だ。Even if one day, we can’t have each other’s backs, our hearts will always be together. That’s all.
CatherineThank you.……ああ、そうだな。…Yeah, you’re right.
CatherineI lost someone too.言われてみれば、アタシが最初に相棒にと望んだ相手も死んだ。Thinking about it, the first person I wanted to be my partner died as well.
CatherineI thought we’d be together forever, but our lives went in different directions.ずっと一緒にいたいと思ってたのに、道を違えちまった。I wanted to be with [him]1 forever, but our paths ended up diverging.
CatherineRelationships are so fragile.確かに、この人生、何が起こるかなんてわからない……。It’s true you never know what’ll happen in this life…
1 “Him” assuming this is talking about Christophe Gaspard (Ashe’s adoptive brother)
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ShamirIf you’d like, we can start planning our next move.それに……カトリーヌ。お前がどうしてもと言うなら、相棒の先を考えてやる。And…Catherine. If you really insist, I’d consider going beyond being partners.
CatherineNext move? What do you mean?相棒の先? 何だ、それ。Beyond being partners? What the hell’s that.
ShamirWe can wed if you’re that worried about losing me. Though, I may tire of your company.ダグザでは、フォドラより普通なんだ。女同士、男同士が結ばれるのが。It’s actually more common in Dagda than it is in Fodlan – for women to be wed to women, and men to be wed to men.
ShamirYou look a bit red. What’s the matter, partner?……どうした。顔が赤いぞ、相棒。…What’s wrong? Your face is red, partner.
CatherineThat was just…unexpected! If you’ll excuse me, I need some fresh air…アンタがいきなりとんでもないこと言い出すからだろ! 話は終わりだ!It’s because you blindsided me! We’re done talking about this!