Battle: WC Chapter 7

Battle of the Eagle and Lion

EnJPAlternate translation
TitleBattle of the eagle and lionグロンダーズ鷲獅子戦Battle of the eagle and lion at Gronder
NameEnJPAlternate translation
DimitriYou all should know… I am not about to go easy on you today.恨むなよ。手加減ができるほど、器用ではないんだDon’t resent me. I’m not skillful enough to be able to go easy on you. 
ClaudeAs long as we can pull off the win, doesn’t matter how.やり方は自由だ、勝ちゃいいんだろ?We’re free to use whatever methods we like, we just have to win, right?
EdelgardOur victory must be absolute…no matter what it may take.勝つのは私たちよ……何が起ころうともねWe’ll be the ones to win…no matter what happens.
Pre-battle cutscene
NameEnJPAlternate translation
EdelgardWhat? I was just trying to rally your spirits. Now, to victory!……少し雰囲気を出してみただけよ。いざ、勝負!…I was just trying to get into the spirit of things. Now, we fight!
Byleth vs. Edelgard
NameEnJPAlternate translation
ClaudeHey, Princess! Heads up! There’s a rat right by your Imperial feet…皇女様、気をつけろ!足元にネズミの親子が……Careful, princess! A rat and its baby right by your feet…
EdelgardBAH! I— Huh. How dare you make a fool of me. You will not rile me with such childish tactics.……!? って、馬鹿にしないで。そんな子供騙し、私には通用しないわ。…!? Ugh, don’t mock me. Childish tricks like that aren’t going to work.
ClaudeAh, so the sheer terror in your eyes was…something else entirely. My mistake. Anyway, it was only a joke.これは失敬。一瞬怯んだように見えたのは、俺の気のせいだよな? ……冗談だ、冗談。Well, pardon me. I thought you looked scared for a second, but it was just me, right? …I’m joking, I’m joking.
EdelgardYou really hope to unsettle me with childish jokes? It won’t work. You must stand and fight!ふざけた態度で相手の戦意を削ぐつもり?いいからかかってきなさい!Is the plan to wear down your opponent’s will to fight with your ridiculousness? Hurry up and fight me!
Claude vs. Edelgard
NameEnJPAlternate translation
DimitriSo, it is time to cross blades… I never imagined such a day would come to pass.こうして、君と剣を交えるとはな。昔は、想像したこともなかった。To think we’ll cross blades like this now, huh. I never imagined this in the old days.
EdelgardIf the Empire and the Kingdom go to war, we’ll be able to fight as much as we please.そう……帝国と王国が戦争を始めれば、いくらでも戦えるわよ?It seems like it… If the Empire and the Kingdom go to war, we can fight as much as you like.
DimitriI am sorry, but that is not something to joke about. The thought of fighting you is troubling at best.いや……勘弁してくれ。君との戦いは、気が滅入って仕方ない。No… please spare me [the thought]. I can’t help but feel depressed fighting you.
EdelgardIn that case, I wonder when you’ll be able to stomach facing me in battle… Do you need a few moments?それで……いつになったら戦うのかしら。戦いの途中なのだけれど。And…when will you be ready to fight? We’re in the middle of one right now.
Dimitri vs. Edelgard