Events: WC Chapter 6


NameEnJpAlternate translation
RheaAt present, all we know for certain is that she has not left Garreg Mach.今のところ、ガルグ=マクを出た形跡がないことだけは確認できています。So far, we have confirmed no signs of [Flayn] having left Garreg Mach.
NameEnJpAlternate translation
SetethThe people are panicked! They all insist someone called the Death Knight is coming to claim their souls with his blade.『死神騎士が、その鎌で命を刈りに来る』などと騒ぎ立てる者も出ている……。Some [townspeople] are panicking that “the Death Knight will come to reap our lives with his scythe…”

Black Eagles

NameEnJpAlternate translation
EdelgardIt doesn’t seem likely that she’s simply gotten lost. I’ll help in any way that I can.ただの迷子ではなさそうね。同じ修道院に身を置く者として、協力は惜しまないわ。It doesn’t seem like [Flayn]’s merely lost. As fellow inhabitants of this monastery, [we] must do everything we can to help.

Golden Deer

NameEnJpAlternate translation
LysitheaShe is the girl who looks about the same age as me, but seems well beyond her years.何となく古風な雰囲気の子でしたよね。年は同じくらいに見えましたけど。[Flayn] had a somewhat antiquated air about her, though she looks around the same age as [us].
HildaSeteth is much older than Flayn. He’s always looking out for her. He must be worried sick.セテスさまとフレンちゃんって、かなり年の差のある兄妹よね。心配してるだろうなー。Seteth and Flayn are siblings with a big age gap, right? He must be so worried.
HildaIf I were to go missing, I can’t imagine what that would do to my brother.あたしの兄さんだって、あたしがいなくなったら……うわー、想像したくない。If I disappeared, my brother would also… Ugh, I don’t even want to imagine it.


NameEnJpAlternate translation
Death KnightOne of us will die, the other will live. I will enjoy this dance of damnation.死ぬは……俺か、貴様か……地獄の舞踏を愉しもう……行く!Will you or I…be the one to die… Let us enjoy this ball in hell…!

Black Eagles

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Byleth (branch 2)Is it Jeritza?イエリッツァ?[Is it] Jeritza?
Hubert (branch 2)No, Professor. It’s two young girls.先生、どう見ても女性に見えますが?しかも、2人いますな。Professor, aren’t they clearly female? And two of them, in fact.


Black Eagles

NameEnJpAlternate translation
EdelgardAll that matters is Flayn’s safety. Right, Professor?フレンの保護が最優先だもの、仕方ないわ。そうよね、師(せんせい)?It can’t be helped [that the enemies got away], Flayn’s safety took priority. Right, my teacher?
Byleth (branch 2)I wanted to catch them.できれば捕らえたかったI wanted to catch them if possible
Edelgard (branch 2)It is unfortunate. If only you could have waited for me to return………残念ね。私がもっと早く戻っていれば。…It’s a shame. If only I’d been able to return more quickly.

Blue Lions

NameEnJpAlternate translation
DimitriHeh, I apologize. I’ve forgotten myself and come dangerously close to teasing you.ああいや、悪い……決して、からかったつもりはないんだが……Oh, sorry… I wasn’t trying to tease you or anything…
DimitriIt’s just…I’ve never seen you look so happy before. It’s downright mesmerizing.お前が、見たこともないくらい嬉しそうな顔をしていたから、つい。Your expression was happier than I’ve ever seen it, so I couldn’t help myself.

Report: Horsebow Moon

NameEnJpAlternate translation
HannemanShe is a student from last year’s class. She went missing just before she would have graduated.実を言うと、彼女は去年の生徒なのだ。ちょうど卒業の時期に行方をくらましてな。In truth, [Monica] is a student from last year. Her whereabouts became unknown just around graduation.
HannemanIt never occurred to us that something might have happened to her at the monastery. We assumed she had run away.そのため、大修道院内ではなく、自領への帰還中に失踪したのだと考えられていた。So it was thought she disappeared not within the monastery, but during her trip back to her home territory.